Whether they participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program or the Girl Scout Fall Product Sweets 'N" Treats Program (or both!), everything your Girl Scouts learn prepares them to take on the world. Plus, Girl Scout Cookie proceeds stay local in your community to power amazing year-round experiences—experiences that broaden their worlds and spark their sense of wonder.
Through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, girls as young as five develop five essential skills that will help them be successful today and throughout their lives:
Goal Setting. Girls learn to create a plan to reach their goals.
Decision Making. Girls learn to make decisions on their own and as a team.
Money Management. Girls learn to create a budget and handle money.
People Skills. Girls find their voice and up their confidence through customer interactions that build relationships.
Business Ethics. Girls learn to act responsibly and honestly, both in business and in life.
But building their business know-how isn’t just tied to the cookies themselves! Girl Scouts at any level can continue honing their entrepreneurial skills by earning the Cookie Business badges, Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin, and the Financial Literacy badges year over year.
Before your cookie bosses open shop, be sure to check out these helpful troop leader resources that will empower you to:
Manage your troop’s funds.
Learn how girls participate in money earning.
Discover how your troop can reach its financial goals.
Plan activities to help her earn cookie pins and badges
Understand just how much your girls are capable of by grade level and how their entrepreneurial skills progress.
What started with Girl Scouts selling home-baked cookies to raise money grew into enlisting professional bakers in 1936 to handle the growing demand—and the rest is history. Explore Girl Scout Cookie History to find out how cookies have helped build generations of female entrepreneurs and leaders who make the world a better place.
After paying for the cost of cookies and materials, Girl Scout Cookie proceeds stay local and help councils provide Girl Scout programs in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), the outdoors, life skills, entrepreneurship, and more—in camps, through leadership training, and multiple other ways. A portion of the proceeds is directly managed by girls, and it’s up to them to decide how to invest their troop’s share of the earnings.
GSC will provide a breakdown of how cookie program proceeds support Girl Scout activities locally. Please share this information with girls and their families so everyone understands that product program sales make it possible for your Girl Scout council to serve girls.
Troop members share in the proceeds from a successful product program; proceeds are not distributed to individual girl members. Girls, however, may be eligible for rewards and credits that they put toward council-sponsored camps, programs, and Girl Scout swag. The council plan for rewards applies equally to all girls participating in the product program activity. Visit the cookie section Cookies of GSC website for more information about individual rewards and troop proceeds locally.
The Girl Scout Blue Book of Basic Documents specifies that:
“All money and other assets, including property, that are raised, earned, or otherwise received in the name of and for the benefit of Girl Scouting must be held and authorized by a Girl Scout council or Girl Scouts of the USA. Such money and other assets must be used for the purposes of Girl Scouting.”
“Ownership of Assets,” page 20, Blue Book of Basic Documents 2023
Making s’mores under the stars, creating a lasting impact in your community, or ordering supplies for an eye-opening STEM project—there are limitless ways to put troop proceeds toward dynamic Girl Scout experiences! There are a few things, however, that don’t qualify for “purposes of Girl Scouting,” for instance, using troop proceeds to purchase memberships in or uniforms for another organization. We encourage all councils to remind their volunteers of this policy to protect the all-girl environment and to avoid diversion of Girl Scout funds.
When you are set up for success, you are better able to set up your girls for success! That’s why every year, GSC provides training, guidelines, and procedures for conducting the Girl Scout Cookie Program and Fall Product Sweets ‘N’ Treats program and determines how the proceeds and product rewards system will be managed. Check the cookie section Cookies+ of GSC’s website to find the answers you need as well as local trainings and resources.
Each council also selects the vendors of its choice to provide the products for their product programs. Two commercial bakers that are licensed by Girl Scouts of the USA to produce Girl Scout Cookies: Little Brownie Bakers and ABC Bakers. Citrus Council uses ABC Bakers. You can also Meet the Cookies and find additional info on cookie varieties, including nutritional details.
Citrus Council also works with vendors to offer magazine subscriptions, nut, and candy products, for the fall product program. These companies are Ashdon Farms, and M2 Media Group. Each provides online tools and activities for girls to download. Magazine selection and sales may take place online—check with GSC for more details.
You play an exciting role in giving your Girl Scouts opportunities to practice the five skills as they learn how to think like entrepreneurs. Some of the things you’ll do include:
Not only can girls sell individually, both in-person and using the online tools provided by each vendor, they can also participate in group booth sales during product programs. Your local council has additional guidance and processes to market and ensure every booth is in a safe and appropriate location.
As your Girl Scouts grow, your role will evolve from a hands-on one to providing oversight and support where needed. No matter their ages, remember that volunteers and parents/caregivers do not sell the product. Your role is to encourage your girls and let their entrepreneurial spirit soar. Learning by doing is exactly how your girls develop the business savvy and communication skills that will empower them to reach any goals they set for themselves.
Another critical task for each troop is to establish a clear accounting system for all proceeds and products during the programs. It's up to you to make sure that money is spent wisely, that excellent records are kept (remember to keep copies of all receipts in a binder or folder), and that all products are tracked. For older girls, your job is to oversee their work as they learn to keep impeccable records. Be sure to attend product program orientation or training so you are aware of the systems and helpful tools available.
Remember that if a Girl Scout chooses to participate in a club/specialty troop, such as: travel, Trailblazers, Mariners, etc. they must decide prior to the product program season where their proceeds will be allocated to. Proceeds cannot be divided.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program and the Fall Product Sweets ‘N’ Treats Program can be exhilarating and busy times during the troop year, but you’re never alone in your efforts! You can reach out to your Community Product Chairs when you’re feeling stuck.
As there are two bakers, there are also two online platforms troops use to manage their cookie business (Smart Cookie and DC24 Cloud®). Check the specific guidelines provided by each cookie vendor before participating. Before girls begin selling online, they should partner with their troop leader and families to learn how to safely run their business online.
A few more online safety practices to keep in mind:
Additionally, families, girls, and volunteers should contact and collaborate with their councils and Girl Scouts of the USA in advance on any national news media opportunities tied to girls online marketing and sales efforts.
The Buddy System
Using the buddy system, the troop is divided into teams of two. Each Girl Scout is responsible for staying with her buddy at all times, warning her buddy of danger, giving her buddy immediate assistance if safe to do so, and seeking help if needed. Girls are encouraged to stay near the group or buddy with another team of two so that in the event someone is injured, one person cares for the patient while two others seek help.
Cookie booths—that is, cookie pop-up sales in areas with lots of foot traffic—are a fun way for Girl Scouts to connect with their community and practice their sales pitch with new customers. Booth Sales can be defined as sales that are stationary, whether it is a store counter or a table at a specific location. Booth locations must be approved by councils, facilitated within council jurisdiction, and participants must follow all council guidelines with regard to setting up, running, and taking down a booth.
Only GSC Staff and/or the Service Community Product Chairs are allowed to set up booths for the Service Community.
Create a great cookie booth experience for your Girl Scouts by:
Keep in mind:
For more tips to make your booth a success, check out our Cookie Booth Essentials. For additional information about setting up a booth and safety and security suggestions, consult your council guidelines.
Booth Violations
Any troop found violating booth policies will be subject to booth restrictions, which could include forfeiture of upcoming booths for the remainder of the sale.
The following violations will be subject to the above restrictions:
Incident Reports
In the event that the funds are stolen by a third party (home robbery, auto theft, booth robbery), a completed police report must be provided to the Council Business Office. Do not attempt to physically recover the stolen items.
Product Program Guidelines and consequences for failure to comply with the guidelines and the spirit of the Girl Scout culture.
It is very important that we not punish girls for adult actions, however, it is essential that we make an effort to address violations of the behavioral standards and guidelines presented during cookie trainings and inherent to our Girl Scout culture.
If GSC is made award of a situation in which a troop or individual is violating said standards and guidelines, the team will activate the following procedures and consequences:
Cookies also help girls make a big impact in their community! GSC may have an established cookie donation program where customers can purchase cookies that will be donated to an organization by GSC. Cookie donations are not only a great talking point for girls to share with their customers—they’re also a thoughtful way to show girls how cookies can help them give back.
With cookie donations, remember that:
Girl Scout Cookies are well loved and for good reason—it has always been the practice of Girl Scout councils and the bakers to guarantee customer satisfaction with their delicious cookies. If a customer is not satisfied with the quality of their cookies for some reason, they can contact the baker via the phone number printed on the side of the cookie package: 1-800-221-1002 Troops should also notify their Community Cookie Chair with any issues they have reported to ABC Bakery.
Girl Scouts of Citrus Council’s Fall Product Program Sweets ‘N’ Treats is a wonderful way for Girl Scouts to begin their year learning about Financial Literacy and to start planning for their Girl Scout year.
For issues with registering any adults, girls or selecting product chair roles in salesforce, please contact Customer Care at customercare@citrus-gs.org
For all other product concerns or issues:
Focusing on entrepreneurial outcomes has always been the focus of the Girl Scout Cookie Program. The cookie program has never been about and does not focus on individual girls’ sales results.
There are many impressive cookie bosses throughout the United States, and the Girl Scout organization will continue to recognize dynamic cookie entrepreneurs for various achievements tied to the Girl Scout Cookie Program and through their participation in Girl Scouts.
Girl Scouts of the USA does not currently track the top seller(s) of Girl Scout Cookies on a national level and does not identify a specific Girl Scout as the number one or “record-breaking” national cookie seller.
Girl Scout councils should not reference such girls as “top sellers” in the media. Doing so detracts from the essence of the Girl Scout Cookie Program, which is based on offering girls important experiences in entrepreneurship, business, and finance from a young age as well as providing girls and local Girl Scout councils with the funds necessary to power amazing experiences and opportunities for Girl Scouts year-round.
The Fall Product Sweets 'N' Treats Program in Citrus Council is made up of two parts:
Juliette Program Credits - Our program gives Juliette Girl Scouts a chance to earn program credits needed to participate in girl scout programming. Credits earned give individually registered girls the opportunity to purchase supplies needed to support their programming, take Girl Scouts on field trips, attend camps etc.
*NOTE: It could be a couple of weeks before the balance is updated to reflect their program credits.
How to use Juliette Credits
ACH Debit for Products
Fall Products
Since Recognitions cannot be guaranteed after about 6 weeks for Troops with an outstanding amount due to Council, we recommend contacting Customer Care at customercare@citrus-gs.org as soon as you realize there may be Product Money due or you have not been able to collect from a Troop Parent. We are here to help! When Product money is due to the Council Business Office and you have not been able to collect from a troop parent, do not hold up your troops paperwork. Make sure all monies collected have been deposited into your Troops Bank Account by the deadline.
As soon as you realize there is a problem, act immediately!
Document all information: Written/Verbal Documentation needed as follows:
Information Needed for further review:
How can this be avoided?
If misappropriation of troop funds is suspected, Leaders access to troop funds could be suspended during research and review of the allegations. If evidence of misuse of funds or personal use of troop funds is substantiated, this will result in Girl Scouts of Citrus action including, but not limited to, staff oversight, termination from the volunteer position, and/or restrictions of further fundraising activities until the matter is resolved. The leader/chair could be reported to Law Enforcement for further investigation.
Report the concern immediately to Customer Care at customercare@citrus-gs.org. If review of the concern yields substantial evidence of theft or fraud, the Council Office is the legal party to file Police Reports and will do so.
Third Party Theft
In the event that funds are stolen by a third party (home robbery, auto theft, booth robbery), a completed police report must be provided to the Council Business Office.
Using Online Resources and Social Media to Market Cookies and Other Products
Girls are only to use the Internet to market the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a girl-led program and online marketing and sales efforts should always be led by a girl while also being supervised by her parents or caretakers.
Girls may use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, text messages, IMs, and emails as online marketing tools to let family, friends, and former customers know about the sale and collect indications of interest. All are effective ways that girls 13 and older can promote cookies and other product programs. Girls under 13 cannot independently set up online marketing sites. Girls under 13 can use their parent or guardian’s online sites with their approval and supervision.
The following sections detail how girls can use electronic marketing, social media, and group websites to gather sale commitments from family, friends, and previous customers. But first, please keep in mind that girls:
Selling Product on-line:
If a girl/parent creates an online store/post on a public online marketplace (EBAY, Amazon, FB Marketplace, Craig's List, any other similar sites or garage sale type sites), for the purpose of selling Girl Scout Product, the parent/volunteer will be contacted and instructed to remove the online store/post from the site within 48 hours.
If the online store/post is not removed within 48 hours:
Setting up a Troop/Group Website
Be sure not to violate copyright law by using designs, text from magazine or books, poetry, music, lyrics, videos, graphics, or trademarked symbols without specific permission from the copyright or trademark holder (and, generally, this permission is pretty tough to get). Girl Scout trademarks(such as the trefoil shape, Girl Scout pins, badges, or patches) can be used only in accordance with guidelines for their use. (The Girl Scout trefoil, for example, may not be animated or used as wallpaper for a website) Check with GSC for complete guidelines and approvals.
Troops whose girls meet age criteria of 13 years of age or older and have parental permission may set up a group Facebook page or website. This site must be approved by the Council, but it can be a fantastic way for girls to share information , market Girl Scout products , and talk about Take Action Products.
It is important to remember the twofold purpose of the Girl Scout Cookie Program when selling cookies or other products. The primary purposes of these programs are to help girls grow and develop and generate the revenue necessary to provide Girl Scouting to as many girls as possible. For this reason , girls should be directly involved in any decisions that are made, whether in person or over the internet.
© Copyright 2009–2022 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. All rights reserved. All information and material contained in Girl Scouts’ Volunteer Essentials guide (“Material”) is provided by Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) and is intended to be educational material solely to be used by Girl Scout volunteers and council staff. Reproduction, distribution, compiling, or creating derivative works of any portion of the Material or any use other than noncommercial uses as permitted by copyright law is prohibited, unless explicit, prior authorization by GSUSA in writing was granted. GSUSA reserves its exclusive right in its sole discretion to alter, limit, or discontinue the Material at any time without notice.