Join us for a Citrus-wide camporee as we put our detective skills to work to help the MKW camp staff and Scooby-Doo reveal who stole the Girl Scout cookies. Girl Scouts will get evidence that they must examine using a variety of detective methods to catch the villain. Puzzles and obstacles will take the girls all over camp as they employee certain tricks like canoeing or orienteering to get the right clues. At the end of the day, all the girls will put together their clues to find the villain who they will reveal at the closing campfire. This camporee is open to all Citrus Gir Scouts including Juliettes and troops. Girls will be grouped together by GS level (not troops), so puzzles fit their age group.
Event Details:
Other Important Information:
Health and Safety Guidelines:
Follow all basic health and safety guidelines recommended by the CDC for handwashing and sanitizing.
If you or anyone in your group is not feeling well, please refrain from attending the event/activity.
Please keep in mind that these guidelines can change at any time, and we will communicate any updates as they are released.
Cancellation and Refunds:
All cancellation & refund requests must be submitted in writing via email and sent directly to by the cancellation date specified.
There will be no refunds or transfers for no-shows.
A confirmation email with final details and any additional forms needed will be emailed to you after registration closes. This confirmation will include the location address and a packing list.
For questions about this event, please contact